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Introducing HIPsIntroducing HIPs

We would like to introduce to you HIPs (Horizon Improvement Proposals). Through HIP, the community will be able to make changes to Horizon Protocol.

[Proposal] zUSD/BUSD LP Pool Lock Period[Proposal] zUSD/BUSD LP Pool Lock Period

Our first Horizon Protocol Community Governance vote on the zUSD/BUSD LP pool lock period is complete!

First Horizon Protocol Community Governance ProposalFirst Horizon Protocol Community Governance Proposal

Horizon Protocol plans to achieve a Horizon DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) Community Governance in the future. We want to empower the community to steer Horizon Protocol’s progress and direction. To ensure our governance process is successful we will begin by using Snapshot, a gas-free voting method, to conduct our community governance votes.

Horizon Protocol Community Governance: Gas-free Voting with SnapshotHorizon Protocol Community Governance: Gas-free Voting with Snapshot

Horizon Protocol plans to achieve a Horizon DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) Community Governance in the future. We want to empower the community to steer Horizon Protocol’s progress and direction. To ensure our governance process is successful we will begin step by step using Snapshot to conduct our community governance votes.